Anomalous Brachial Plexus and their Relationship to the Subclavian Artery in the Supraclavicular Region
Vol 5 | Issue 1 | January-June 2024 | Page 30-31| Pooja Jadhao, Sandeep Diwan
Authors: Pooja Jadhao [1], Sandeep Diwan [1]
[1] Department of Anaesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Pooja Jadhao,
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
The brachial plexus at supraclavicular division level is superior and lateral to the subclavian artery. Thus needle tip positions are already published in literature. However we report the brachial plexus divisions on the medial side of the subclavian artery. This might result in inadequate or failed blocks with landmark guided technique. Moreover with ultrasound needle tip needs to advance medial to artery making it more difficult in expert hands too. Ultrasound imaging of brachial plexus helps in identifying anamolous position of brachial plexus divisions.
Keywords- Brachial plexus divisions, Subclavian artery, Ultrasound
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How to Cite this Article: Jadhao P, Diwan S | Anomalous Brachial Plexus and their Relationship to the Subclavian Artery in the Supraclavicular Region | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | January-June 2024; 5(1): 30-31 | DOI: |
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The Fate of Lumbar Epidural Catheters in the Postoperative Period- A Retrospective Single-center Audit
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | July-December 2023 | Page 14-17 | Sandeep Diwan, Himaunshu Dongre, Parag Sancheti
Submitted: 26-06-2023; Reviewed: 18-07-2023; Accepted: 23-10-2023; Published: 10-12-2023
Authors: Sandeep Diwan [1], Himaunshu Dongre [1], Parag Sancheti [2]
[1] Department of Anesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Department of Orthopaedics, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Himaunshu Dongre,
Department of Anesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra State, India.
This paper describes a retrospective audit of fate of epidural catheters in post operative period in adults and elderly patients (more than 65 years) receiving epidural infusion analgesia (EIA) in a single institute. Epidural catheters can either migrate inwards (inward migration of epidural catheter or IMEC) otherwise, outwards (outward migration of epidural catheter or OMEC). The OMEC can lead to failure of epidural analgesia and loss of infusate. The primary aim was to evaluate the incidence of OMEC. The secondary aim was, disconnections, kinking, knotting and breakage of catheter. The primary and secondary aim together were considered as fate of epidural catheter. Our study demonstrates the OMEC occurred at 1.12%, disconnection at 7.32%, kink and knot at 1.12% and 0.016% respectively A good communication at all levels (anesthesiologist-handlers at each level-nursing staff), in event of raised incidence (inform the QHC and concerned anesthesiologist) is mandatory to avoid mishandling of epidural assembly. After identifying some of the causes including the dressing material and fixation methods, changes were implemented which will be audited in the subsequent study.
Keywords: Epidural catheter migration, Audit, Observational Study
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How to Cite this Article: Diwan S, Dongre H, Sancheti P | The Fate of Lumbar Epidural Catheters in the Postoperative Period- A Retrospective Single-center Audit | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | July-December 2023; 4(2): 14-17 | DOI: |
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Pendant Positioning Vs Traditional Sitting for Successful Spinal Punctures in Elderly
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | July-December 2023 | Page 9-13 | Tamasi Dawn, Yatindra Kumar Batra, Sunny Rupal, Komal Jit Kaur, Tanvir Samra
Submitted: 10-08-2023; Reviewed: 06-09-2023; Accepted: 24-10-2023; Published: 10-12-2023
Authors: Tamasi Dawn [1], Yatindra Kumar Batra [1], Sunny Rupal [1], Komal Jit Kaur [1], Tanvir Samra [2]
[1] Department of Anaethesiology Max superspeciality Hospital, Mohali, Punjab, India.
[2] Department of Anaesthesia PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Tanvir Samra,
Associate Professor Department of Anaesthesia PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
Background- The ability of the pendant position in increasing the intervertebral spaces translating in an increase in the 1st attempt spinal puncture success rate has been reported in pregnant females undergoing cesarean section. However, the same has not been done for the elderly patients in which age-related degenerative anatomical changes, decreased lordosis, disseminated sclerosis, and extensive osteophytosis is known to reduce the intervertebral space.
Materials and Methods- A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted in patients aged 60-80 years undergoing urological surgeries after approvalfrom the Institutional Ethics Committee and written informed consent from the patients. Primary aim was to compare the number of bone contacts during administration of subarachnoid block with the patient in either pendant (Group A) or traditional (Group B) position. Secondary aims were to compare the proportion of successful spinal needle placements, ease of palpation of spinous processes, patient’s comfort, number of spaces used, time to perform spinal puncture, time to reach grade III (as per modified bromage score) motor blockade, time to reach T10 sensory level and rate of complications in both the groups.
Results- Demographic data was comparable and there was no statistical difference in number of bone contacts, ease of administration, success of spinal needle placements, performance times of subarachnoid block and duration of spinal anaesthesia in both the groups. Complication rates were comparable.
Conclusion- Pendant positioning does not confer any advantage over the traditional sitting position in success rates and performance characteristics of subarachnoid block in elderly (60-80 years) patients scheduled for urological surgeries.
Keywords: Pendant position, Spinal-bone contact, Spinal Needle Puncture, Lumbar puncture, Spinal anesthesia, Aged
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How to Cite this Article: Dawn T, Batra YK, Rupal S, Kaur KJ, Samra T | Pendant Positioning Vs Traditional Sitting for Successful Spinal Punctures in Elderly | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | July- December 2023; 4(2): 9-13 | DOI: |
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Thoracic Wall Blocks for Thoracic Surgery
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | July-December 2023 | Page 01-08 | Neha Pangasa, Anjolie Chhabra
Submitted: 08-07-2023; Reviewed: 01-09-2023; Accepted: 09-10-2023; Published: 10-12-2023
Authors: Neha Pangasa [1], Anjolie Chhabra [1]
[1] Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Neha Pangasa
Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Thoracic epidural, paravertebral block and intercostal nerve block were the conventional methods of providing analgesia for thoracic surgery, about a decade ago. In the modern era with the advent of ultrasound guided regional anesthesia, the fascial plane blocks came as a boon to anesthesiologists. These blocks are safer, as the needle tip remains distant from the pleura and they are technically easier to perform. We have described in brief the various techniques for thoracic wall analgesia with special emphasis to fascial plane blocks, along with the current evidence for each block.
Keywords: Thoracic wall blocks, Fascial plane blocks, Local anaesthetic
1. Chin KJ, Pawa A, Forero M, Adhikary S. Ultrasound-guided fascial plane blocks of the thorax: pectoral I and II, serratus anterior plane, and erector spinae plane blocks. Advances in Anesthesia 2019; 37: 187–205.
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6. Chhabra A, Chowdhury AR, Prabhakar H, Subramaniam R, Arora MK, Srivastava A, Kalaivani M. Paravertebral anaesthesia with or without sedation versus general anaesthesia for women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021(2).
7. Chin KJ, Versyck B, Pawa A. Ultrasound-guided fascial plane blocks of the chest wall: a state of the art review. Anaesthesia 2021, 76: 110–26.
8. Elsharkawy H, Pawa A, Mariano ER. Interfascial plane blocks: back to basics. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2018; 43: 341–6.
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13. Chin KJ ,Kariem ,Boghdadly KE. Mechanisms of action of the erector spinae plane (ESP) block: a narrative review. Can J Anesth 2021; 68:387–408.
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15. Forero M, Adhikary SD, Lopez H, Tsui C, Chin KJ. The erector spinae plane block: a novel analgesic technique in thoracic neuropathic pain. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. 2016 Sep 1;41(5):621-7.
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25. Shibata Y, Kampitak W, Tansatit T. The Novel Costotransverse Foramen Block Technique: Distribution Characteristics of Injectate Compared with Erector Spinae Plane Block. Pain Physician. 2020 Jun;23(3):E305-E314. PMID: 32517407.
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27. Chin KJ. Thoracic wall blocks: From paravertebral to retrolaminar to serratus to erector spinae and back again-A review of evidence. Best Pract.Res. Clin. Anaesthesiol 2019;33: 67-77 .
28. Pascarella, G.; Costa, F.; Nonnis, G.; Strumia, A.; Sarubbi, D.; Schiavoni, L.; Di Pumpo, A.; Mortini, L.; Grande, S.; Attanasio, A.; et al. Ultrasound Guided Parasternal Block for Perioperative Analgesia in Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Study. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 2060.
29. Diwan S, Nair A. Ultrasound‐guided bilateral parasternal block: A boon for managing pain after sternal fracture/ dislocation. Saudi J Anaesth 2020;14:224‐7.
30. Versyck B, Geffen GJV , Chin KJ. Analgesic efficacy of the Pecs II block: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesthesia 2019; 74: 663–73.
31. Hussain N, Brull R, McCartney CJL, et al. Pectoralis-II myofascial block and analgesia in breast cancer surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anesthesiology 2019; 131: 630–48.
32. Liu XC, Song TT, Xu HY, Chen XJ, Yin PF, Zhang JJ. The serratus anterior plane block for analgesia after thoracic surgery: A meta- analysis of randomized controlled trails. Medicine 2020;99:21(e20286).
33. Beard L, Hillermann C, Beard E, et al. Multicenter longitudinal cross-sectional study comparing effectiveness of serratus anterior plane, paravertebral and thoracic epidural for the analgesia of multiple rib fractures. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020; 0 :1-6.
How to Cite this Article: Pangasa N, Chhabra A | Thoracic Wall Blocks for Thoracic Surgery | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | July-December 2023; 4(2): 01-08 | DOI: |
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Supra-inguinal Fascia Iliaca Block and the Obturator Nerve Obsession
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | July-December 2023 | Page 27-28 | Sandeep Diwan, Georg Feigl, Shivaprakash S
Authors: Sandeep Diwan [1], Georg Feigl [2], Shivaprakash S [3]
[1] Department of Anaesthesia, Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Department of Anatomy and Clinical Morphology, Witten / Herdecke University, Witten, Germany.
[3] Department of Anatomy, JSS Medical College, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore, Karnataka State, India..
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Sandeep Diwan,
Department of Anaesthesia, Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
To the Editor,
Anatomic block efficacy of lumbar plexus elements is based upon the involvement of the obturator nerve. However, despite the anatomic location of the obturator nerve and improbable translocation of local anesthetic beyond the confinement of the fascia iliacus plane [1], investigators struggle to study extensively, exhaustively, and try to explicitly describe the means and mechanism to block the obturator nerve [2].
Our anatomical dissections reveal three important dissimilar fascial planes (figure 1a). The quadratus lumborum, the fascia iliaca, and the circum-psoas planes are isolated from each other with tight fascial attachments [Figure 1b], impeding the dissemination of local anaesthetic agents unless inadvertently perforating the fascia. Further exploration revealed the femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, obturator nerves and the lumbosacral trunk emerge from the lateral and medial of the psoas muscle respectively, and exits the psoas fascia (figure 1a,1b, and 1c) to take their respective course. The obturator nerve might further arise in a separate muscular fold (Figure 1c).
However, if the obturator nerve needs to be blocked, two we recommend two alternatives; We presume that with injections deep to the psoas sheath, the plausibility of involvement of all the nerves of the lumbar plexus (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, femoral nerve, and ON) exists, as reported in a case series [3] and the obturator nerve needs to be blocked separately after a supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block.
1. Bendtsen TF, Pedersen EM, Moriggl B, et al. Anatomical considerations for obturator nerve block with fascia iliaca compartment block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021; 46:806-12.
2. Swenson JD, Davis JJ, Stream JO, Crim JR, Burks RT, Greis PE. Local anesthetic injection deep to the fascia iliaca at the level of the inguinal ligament: the pattern of distribution and effects on the obturator nerve. J Clin Anesth. 2015; 27:652-7.
3. Diwan S, Nair A, Gawai N, Shah D, Sancheti P. Circumpsoas block – an anterior myofascial plane block for lumbar plexus elements: case report. Braz J Anesthesiol. 2021: S0104-0014(21)00180-9.
How to Cite this Article: Diwan S, Feigl G, S Shivaprakash | Supra-inguinal Fascia Iliaca Block and the Obturator Nerve Obsession | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | July-December 2023; 4(2): 27-28 | DOI: |
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Making Regional Anaesthesia Safe
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | July-December 2023 | Page 21-26 | Ashish A. Bartakke
Submitted: 12-11-2023; Reviewed: 18-11-2023; Accepted: 25-11-2023; Published: 10-12-2023
Authors: Ashish A. Bartakke [1]
[1] Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Hospital Valle de los Pedroches, Pozoblanco, Andalucia, Spain.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Ashish A. Bartakke,
Senior Faculty Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Hospital Valle de los Pedroches, Pozoblanco, Andalucia, Spain.
The complexity of current practice in anaesthesiology and perioperative medicine has resulted in employing complex regional anaesthesia techniques to improve patient outcomes in terms of better postoperative pain control and thus facilitate early mobilization and recuperation of patients. However, ensuring patient safety while performing these complex procedures is of paramount importance and all efforts need to be undertaken to minimise the possibility of harm to the patient. Quality improvement and patient safety go hand in hand. Ensuring safe practices in regional anaesthesia is not just an individual task but a collective responsibility of the perioperative team. It thus involves both technical skills as well as non-technical skills and human factors.
This article provides a brief discussion of the various measures involving technical and non-technical factors to improve patient safety in modern day regional anaesthesia practice.
Keywords: Regional Anaesthesia, Patient safety, Non-technical skills, Human factors
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How to Cite this Article: Bartakke AA | Making Regional Anaesthesia Safe | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | July-December 2023; 4(2): 21-26 | DOI: |