
Anomalous Brachial Plexus and their Relationship to the Subclavian Artery in the Supraclavicular Region

Vol 5 | Issue 1 | January-June 2024 | Page 30-31| Pooja Jadhao, Sandeep Diwan


Authors: Pooja Jadhao [1], Sandeep Diwan [1]

[1] Department of Anaesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Pooja Jadhao,
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sancheti Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


The brachial plexus at supraclavicular division level is superior and lateral to the subclavian artery. Thus needle tip positions are already published in literature. However we report the brachial plexus divisions on the medial side of the subclavian artery. This might result in inadequate or failed blocks with landmark guided technique. Moreover with ultrasound needle tip needs to advance medial to artery making it more difficult in expert hands too. Ultrasound imaging of brachial plexus helps in identifying anamolous position of brachial plexus divisions.
Keywords- Brachial plexus divisions, Subclavian artery, Ultrasound


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How to Cite this Article: Jadhao P, Diwan S | Anomalous Brachial Plexus and their Relationship to the Subclavian Artery in the Supraclavicular Region | International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia | January-June 2024; 5(1): 30-31 | DOI:

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